Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Welcome to the 2017 Golf Season.
We had a warm winter and it looks like the cold is going to hang around a little longer. We have an open house on March 16th from 4:00-6:00 PM to anyone in Troy that is interested.
We are also aerifying the Greens and Fairways on March 29th and 30th. In the event of rain or muddy/wet ground, the makeup date will be on April 6th and 7th. In the event the fairways are just to wet to do, we will post-pone the aerification of them to the fall. Please be aware that if this is the case, due to compaction and wear and tear, the fairways may thin out in the heat of the summer. We will do our best to keep the turf lush however, without sufficient aerification, growing conditions will difficult to maintain. We cannot control the weather but we will do everything we can to complete the aerification if conditions allow.